Navigation and Regulation: Exploring the nervous system from within

In this two-part workshop series, you will get to know your nervous system and its reactions in a playful way.

The first part is mainly about the basics and techniques you can use to self-regulate your nervous system. In the second part, we will gain a deeper insight into the origins and effects of shock trauma and developmental trauma, as well as some complex but everyday relationship dynamics. Also in the second workshop, we will look at techniques to help other people to regulate themselves („co-regulation“).

All important information such as location, times and prices can be found below in the „Facts and figures“ tab.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – A (translated) review on Part 1 of the series

German flyer for the workshop series.
Click to enlarge.
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Part 1: Fight, Flight, Freeze: How can I return to feeling grounded?

Part 2: Trauma, Trigger, Projection: How can we get back into connection?

Facts and figures


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Interested in the English version of our Workshop?

We currently have no events planned, but we will surely do another English round some time soon. If you want to make sure to get informed as soon as a date is fixed, you can Sign in to our waiting list here 🙂

Possibly, if the venue provides sufficient options, we will even send a doodle form (or similar) around, to find a date that's good for many participants 🙂

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